Without the support and generous contributions of individuals and corporations throughout the state, the CSBA Golden Bell Awards program would not be possible. We wish to recognize our 2018 Golden Bell sponsors and express deep appreciation for their support of excellence in education. Interested in becoming a sponsor? Click here for details.
MONETARY AWARDS: Golden Bell Award winners in selected program categories will be eligible to receive a monetary award. Winners will be announced in October.
Fagen Friedman & Fulfrost is proud to offer the “Going Green” education scholarship for winning programs that are site-based and student led in the Energy and Environmental Innovation Programs category. One winner will be selected to receive this $5,000 sponsorship award. For more information, please visit the F3 Awards website.
The Career Technical Education category is sponsored by United Association California Apprenticeship Coordinators. One winner in this category will be selected to receive this award and $1,000.

The Technology category is sponsored by Climatec. One winner in this category will be selected to receive this award and $1,000.
The Parental/Community Involvement category is sponsored by Orenda Education. One winner in this category will be selected to receive this award and $1,000.

CSBA’s Business Affiliate Program established five Golden Bell Award Sponsorships of $1,000 each. One winner in each category below will be selected to receive a $1,000 sponsorship award:
- Closing the Achievement Gap through LCAP Implementation
- Community Schools through Partnerships and Collaboration
- Curriculum & Instruction through the California Standards Implementation: Integrated Content
- Early Childhood Education
- Professional Development and Teacher Recruitment/ Retention

The California County Boards of Education Apple for Excellence award recognizes outstanding programs administered by county office of education reflecting the depth and breadth of a county education program necessary to address students’ changing needs. Awards will be chosen from the Golden Bell County Offices of Education category winners. For more information, visit the CCBE website.

The California Advisory Commission on Special Education created the Grazer Outstanding Achievement Learning (GOAL) award program. Awards will be chosen from the Golden Bell Special Education category winners. Programs will be judged based on the GOAL award scoring rubric, including demonstrating success for students with disabilities, incorporating innovative or highly effective design elements, being easily replicable and sustainable, establishing connections with stakeholders, and overall effectiveness in serving students with disabilities. For more information visit the California Department of Education website.