Cristina Puraci, Board President; Mauricio Arellano, Superintendent; Ken Wagner, Assistant Superintendent Educational Services; Peter Lock, Coordinator Foster Youth; Jon Best, Director Student Services
Redlands USD, in an effort to increase the academic success experienced by its most at-risk secondary students, launched the Academic Case Carrier Program in January of 2016. Academic case carriers are credentialed counselors who provide intensive social-emotional and academic support. With approximately 50 students per caseload, ACCs are able to help bridge the gaps between the schools, the families and the community — with the ultimate goal being the academic success of foster, homeless and other at-risk students. Working with the schools, the ACCs add an additional level of support that helps lessen the demands placed upon the schools’ guidance counselors and administration. With each ACC following their respective students throughout their time in RUSD, targeted students have a consistent support system to ensure their academic success, as supported by data that has been collected since the program’s inception.