Martin Medrano, Board President; Cynthia Parulan-Colfer, Superintendent; Judy Fancher, Assistant Superintendent; Martha Calderon, Equity and Access Coordinator
The office of Equity and Access was created by the district to coordinate and manage district activities with special emphasis to the implementation of the district’s Local Control and Accountability Plan related to parents, student engagement, school climate and course access. The Equity and Access department’s Foster Student Education Program established in July 2016 focuses on providing support to the most disenfranchised children and youth experiencing internal and external factors impacting their education while in foster care. The district is committed to enhancing the education of foster youth in the district and ensuring high school graduation and transition to college and career opportunities. Utilizing the Multi-Tiered System of Support framework, the Foster Student Education Program coordinates and implements the delivery of services to 268 students districtwide to ensure school attendance, educational achievement and social emotional well-being. The implementation of best practices has shown higher graduation rates in the last three years.