Mary Patterson, Board President; Steve Betando, Superintendent; Ramon Zavala, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services; Glen Webb, Director of Curriculum Instruction and Assessment; Victoria Knutson, Director of Fiscal Services; Heather Nursement, Director of Supplemental Programs; Jessie Swift, Coordinator of Student Services
Understanding student needs and directing resources in an effective and responsible manner to meet those needs is at the heart of a governing board’s mission to close opportunity gaps. To support trustees with a comprehensible and cohesive structure to carry out that mission with confidence, Morgan Hill Unified has systematized our Local Control and Accountability Plan and School Plans for Student Achievement, and has organized our initiatives to a Multi-Tiered System of Support. This structure, informed by multiple measures, supports easy cross-referencing, reliable evaluation of program efficacy, context for communication and engagement with stakeholders, a transparent view of the operating budget and provides a working hub for trustees, staff and advisory groups to link to virtually all facets of district initiatives and operations. This system is replicable and has become an exemplar used by the Santa Clara County Office of Education Differentiated Assistance Team.